Monday, September 30, 2019

Marginalization of people according to Luke’s gospel Essay

To marginalize means to relegate to a lower or outer edge, of specific groups of people. Marginalized people in society are people who are considered as outcasts in the society, they are referred to as those of a lower class. Those who are marginalized are outside the dominant culture of a group. The group could be a professional group, a social group, or a whole society. An individual may be marginalized because the dominant culture is unable to live with a particular group or individual. In the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), it is obvious that prioritizing the powerless is a form of love for neighbors. Luke’s gospel entails a writing style that is aimed at giving hope to the non Jews or Gentiles and those disregarded in society to depict to them that Jesus also came to save them, he aims to break the strongholds of disregard for the marginalized in society. At the time, the Jews marginalized the poor, women, orphans and the diseased. In Luke 7:11-17, we clearly see Jesus showing love and compassion to a widow (Nain), depicting utmost concern and love for women, as the men at the time had a daily prayer â€Å"thanking God that they were not born women†. Luke’s gospel brings out Jesus as a voice for the marginalized by uplifting and showing their importance to his Kingdom, like the account of Mary with Angel Gabriel, as well as condemning the actions of the rich. In our communities today, we see the same marginalization being depicted among various disadvantaged groups some of which may include The Poor are greatly marginalized due to their inability to afford what others can. Uganda has a high poverty rate where 90% of the country’s poor live in Rural areas, Many children are left roaming the city streets due to lack of funds for their education, many Karamajong women travel to become beggars’ on the Kampala streets which also act as their homesteads in the cold biting nights, many girls also resort to prostitution to get a living and are seen as grave sinners and because of these adverse factors, the poor are disregarded by many people and ignored due to their uncontrollable circumstance Women are also greatly marginalized despite their higher percentage of 51% in the Ugandan community. Women are seen as a weaker or less important sex to men. This is clearly depicted in the working sector, where very few women are able to take up white collar employment opportunities which are mainly taken up by men. This stretches back to the educational opportunity given to women whereby many girls are taken away from school early, and other don’t even get to start school which is mostly evident in the rural areas since women are seen as tools for house work, producing children and taking of gardens, widowed women are also taken advantage of when their husbands pass on and relatives take the remaining property. These in turn limits their chances for a bright future and therefore, even in the Bible in Luke 7:37-43, we see the disregard for women by Simon, one of Jesus’ disciples which has stretched till this present. The sick have also been marginalized for example, people living with HIV, cancer, diabetes and other diseases are segregated from society since people don’t want to associate with them to risk infection and therefore, some people are chased from schools, work places since they don’t want to associate with them. Sick people are seen as less special and are kept out of conversations, meetings and other social gatherings yet Jesus regards everyone as special before his sight (Luke 12:6-8) Some children are dumped in bins and latrines due to the disabilities which is extremely gruesome. Regardless of this marginalization, God still creates a solution, a way out for his people to get refuge. The very same compassion that Jesus had for the poor and disadvantaged has been placed in the hearts of my people in community who come up with solutions and means of helping the marginalized Many Organizations have been put in place to help those in need with the basic health care needs like The World Food Programme (W.F.O), Red Cross, Relief Aid and many others and this has helped to establish families that have gone through crisis like the Bududa landslides, the famine outbreaks in Karamoja and this shows that regardless of the situations the poor go through, God still makes a way for them. The government has started programmes to help facilitate the poor for example the NAADS programme as well as the Youth Loan schemes and this has helped to build up innovativeness and revenue for the poor since they are able to get loans from which they can start up business activities and be able to sustain themselves Charity Organization like Samaritan Purse, Smile Like a Child, Invisible Children, Mission Moving Mountains and many others in different communities have been able to provide homes for street children as well food and an education and therefore, the number of street children has greatly reduced and the number of those who lack is gradually reducing. The government has introduced Universal Education which is cheap and affordable for the poor as well which has enabled girls and women to access educational facilities and not stay idle at home, this is in line with the law for all children to go to school which is stipulated as a law in the Uganda Constitution. Sponsorships and Incentives for women have been put in place to enable women to get a fair chance at competing with the vast number men in the work field for example the 1.5 point grade added to girls at University admission as well as the Sponsorships from organizations like Compassion International that can facilitate ones education fees from Primary to University level and this has helped increase the number of female graduates and employees. Zacchaeus in the Bible also gave to the poor half of what he owed (Luke 19:7-9) and we should follow this example Sensitization programmes about the HIV/AIDS, Cancer diseases has been put in place whereby companies like T.A.S.O, and other health organizations have been able to inform people about the stigma issues related with these diseases and provide information about them that enables people to know the truth and stop marginalization for example, the Health awareness week in Uganda Christian University by Allan Galpin Health Center Extension of health services with trained health care workers and health units to provide outreach health facilities to under-served communities. Establishment of authorized clinics and pharmacies recognized by the ministry of health helps to provide good health facilities at a lower cost, for example the free Health Care weeks by various Companies and Hospitals like Mulago Hospital, free ARV’s to HIV/AIDS patients by companies like Midmay International and TASO. Therefore, it’s important for us to promote a change in our community and care for those in need, knowing that we are all special before God and w have to treat each other the way Jesus cared for the marginalized when He spent his 33 years on earth as a man like we are. Taking the story of Lazarus, the poor man and the Rich man (Luke 16:19-26), that if we are rich, let’s give to those who are less fortunate and not segregate them instead. REFERENCE Good News Bible, The Gideons International Understanding the New Testament, 2011 edition Baulcombe, S. Hostick, T. New, A. Pugh, H. (1998) ‘Asking the Experts: A Guide to Involving People in Shaping Health and Social Care Services’. The Community Care Needs Assessment Project (CCNAP) (available to download from Baxter, L. Thorne, L. Mitchell, A. (2001) ‘Small Voices, Big Noises: Lay involvement in health research: lessons from other fields’, Consumers in NHS Research, Exeter, Washington Singer Press

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Culture and Formation of Culture Essay

The word culture can be referred to the behavior of the human beings specifically with the objects, things and commodities around them and these objects are used as an essential part of this behavior. In this sense it is only the ability of the mankind to create a culture. And culture itself will include all the norms and behaviors of human beings like language, customs, beliefs, religions, tool, techniques, arts, rituals, ceremonies and common practice of every day life. There are numerous definitions of culture and every anthropologist has a different view about it. Some has defined culture as â€Å"learned behavior† or â€Å"ideas in mind† or â€Å"a logical construct†, but the most favored definition is that culture is â€Å"the abstraction from behavior† (Culture). Certeau (xi) states that Culture is the combination of every day practices of the societies. But instead of making the unit force an individual he has taken a more economist perspective and regarded them as â€Å"consumers† (Certeau, xi). While John Fiske produced a two economic theory and regards culture as a parallel economy against the financial economy and has named it as â€Å"cultural economy† (Fiske, 538). As every economy has a capital the cultural economy’s capital consists of pleasure and meanings (Fiske, 541). Frederick Engels while speaking in the context of history defines culture as â€Å"traditions, which haunt human minds† (Engels, 10). Speaking conclusively culture is not only behavior neither an action, but it is the combination of abstraction and behavior or a behavior explicating a concept. Formation of Culture: According the theory of evolution, the advancement of the human behavior from natural to learned and freely variable behavior, the particulars of which have the tendency to be transferred to the next generation and has the ability to evolve into a system of things. Thus culture is a man made environment brought into existence by the human ability to symbol. When a culture is established then it has a life of its own. It is a range of things and events in a cause and effect relationship (Culture). Different theorists have argued about the formation of culture in their own specific way and style. According to Bourdieu â€Å"cultural needs are the product of upbringing and education† (Bourdieu, 42). He initially states that the production of cultural goods as well as the description of different ways of appropriating these goods as work of arts as well as providing social conditions, which are considered legitimate (Bourdieu, 42). He further emphasis that all social practices, which are the core of any culture, are traced back to education or social origin (Bourdieu, 42). On the other hand Fiske says that culture is the opposite force developed in response to the producers of consumer goods. He states that culture is the parellel economic system, which runs in response to the financial economic system. According to him it’s capital is meanings and pleasure (Fiske, 538). This is a more economic perspective of rather than the anthropological perspective. Theodor Adorno while discussing the evolution of popular music culture states that the popular music culture and its hold on the masses is because of the urge to distract the individuals from the current realities to the world of fantasy, and popular music has the ability to distract the listener from it (Adorno, 80,81). Thus according to him a culture evolves as a reaction of the current cultural norms. That is the main reason that the popular culture did not evolved before the industrial revolution. Social Relations: Social relations are the behaviors of different social groups related to and in response of each other. Thus speaking about the ruling class, which is also regarded as the elite class or aristocracy is the social group, which has the means of production at its disposal Thus the ruling ideas and concepts are the expressions of dominant material relationships (Marx & Engels, 8). According to Marx and Engels the historically speaking the relationship of the individual and the ruling class are reflected by the dominance of ideas and concepts during the dominance of that ruling class. For instance during the dominion of the aristocracy the concepts of loyalty and honor were dominant, while during the dominion of the bourgeoisie the concepts of equality and freedom were dominant (Marx and Engels, 8). The relation between the ruling class and the lower class has two ways. Either it leads or it dominates. The first relation is with its allies while the second is with its enemies (Gramsci, 12) Thus the social relations between the aristocracy has two conditions. If the aristocracy has friendly terms with the lower class, the lower class will follow accordingly under its leadership. But if the lower class does not consent the way the ruling class leads it will refuse to follow. As a result the ruling class will try to dominate the lower class in order to maintain its status. Marx has regarded the aristocracy as the material forces of production, which sometimes come into conflict with the property relations that is the lower class and results in the social revolution (Marx, 9). Engels says that the economic political and traditional i. e cultural factors are interrelated and they in combination play the determined role in the formation of history. Thus history is the product of the combine efforts of the economical, political and demographical factors. Thus one can very easily find the social relation between the economy, politics and cultural norms. Works Cited Adorno, Theodor W. â€Å"On Popular Music† Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences. 1941. Bourdieu, Pierre. â€Å"Distinction and The Aristocracy of Culture†. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. 1984, Routledge, London. Certeau, Michel de. â€Å"The Practice of Every Day Life† 1984, Berkley University California Press. â€Å"Culture. † Encyclop? dia Britannica. 2007. Encyclop? dia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD 8 May, 2007. Fiske, John. â€Å"The Popular Economy† Television Culture. 1987, Routledge, London. Gramsci, Antonio. â€Å"Hegomony, Intellectuals and the State† Princeton Notebooks, Lawrence & Wishart, London. Marx, Karl. â€Å"Base & Superstructure† A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. 1976, Foreign Languages Press, Peking. Marx, Karl & Engels, Federick. â€Å"Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas† The German Ideology. 1970, Lawrence & Wishart, London. Marx, Karl & Engels. â€Å"A Letter to Joseph Bloch† Selected Letters. 1977, Foreign Languages Press, Peking.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Annotated Bibliographies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Annotated Bibliographies - Essay Example This article tries to describe school facility attributes that affect academic outcomes the most and in what manner and degree. Indoor air quality, ventilation and thermal comfort as an attribute states that students perform well in accordance of the air they breathe. The quality of the indoor air on the other hand, is the most important as bad air in an overcrowded space could lead to involuntary â€Å"sick building syndrome† that is health problems associated with bad air and bad class conditions. Temperature and humidity have been attributed to the growth of bacteria and mold if the humid state of the classroom is not controlled. In the article the author, Sheerin et al. conducted a study in order to identify various elements of school design that impact the learning of students. The authors state that through the research they figured out that various elements of school design impacted the learning of students. These elements included the amount and quality of space available for teachers to teach. Furthermore the ventilation and temperature of the class even had a significant impact on the environment of teaching as well as learning. The author even states that the quality of lighting is one of the three most important factors that help in the development of a healthy learning environment. Other factors that impact teach and learning includes noise, acceptance of new technology, furniture and maintenance of the school. In this article the authors Nair et al. compares modern school designs with the modern public spaces and states that the modern school designs are unhealthy for student’s learning and development. The author criticizes the existence of corridors and states that instead of corridors schools should have more informal meeting places. This is because there is a higher need for students to spend more time on solving problems in a practical manner and spend time in

Friday, September 27, 2019

Journal Assignment for documents and videos Essay

Journal Assignment for documents and videos - Essay Example At one vantage point, books are typical form of secondary source. Mostly scholars use primary sources material to make secondary sources for example letters and diaries to write books. It is also easy to determine whether a book functions as a primary source in case of published memoirs, autobiographies, and published documents. Also use of video in class, where the students to can see clearly charts, tables or concept maps are the most significant areas where students can find key ideas and relationship among ideas. In museum graphics organizer are there so that students can answer most historical questions, write connections, and relate to particular observation to larger concepts. Videos also help students to compare and contrast, a strategy that help analyze similarities and differences, this can be applied to in museum exhibitions and resources too. Forms film give the students a tangible feel of what people felt and how things were happening that time. Those videos show clarity to what may seem random happening. Examples of primary source include constitution, pamphlet, treaty, a law, and city council proceedings in political history. In cultural history, we have Novel, dance, music oral traditions, key religious work, and training manual for new converts, visual art, costume, and religious tract. Also in social history, we have Lyrics such as protest songs, laws, college catalogues for curriculum and types of students, letters, biographies, and news reports. According to economic history, primary sources are tax filing, will, and foreclosure records, patent applications Business ledger and contract placards. In military history it includes, map, soldier diary, weaponry, uniform and strategic and tactical plans. Court transcript, judicial ruling, parole officer report, police report in legal history and A law, constitution, pamphlet, treaty, city council proceedings finally in political science. Handling of selected primary documents. Identifying primary sources and using them requires a careful thought and some extra knowledge. Primary sources increase questions, may be among them: primary source is what? What is the level of history in these primary sources among others? They stand for range of concerns from vital studying skills to the nature and historical knowledge. There basic questions we must know their answers so that we can identify source of primary data: 1. Is the source is self-published? 2. What is the level of history does the source belong? 3. Is the source independent? 4. Where did the document originate? 5. The limitations present in the document. 6. Why is the document there? 7. How reliable the document is? All above will determine how we handle our primary document, which are useful in working definitions about historical sources and practical tips for reading primary documents. The theory of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources came from academic discipline of historiography. It gave historians away to indi cate how related was the piece of information to real events . It is vital that the concept is with actions of events but not ideas or theoretical aspects. A primary source has about same time of event, despite the source of contents. Therefore, when a dictionary is a tertiary source, an ancient one is the primary source because it has the meaning of words in ancient world. There is no quaternary source; the sources may be primary, secondar

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Unit Contribution Margin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unit Contribution Margin - Essay Example At break-even point, the Cost-Volume-Profit analysis equation is reduced to: PX = xv + FC Where p is the price per unit, x is the number of units, v is the variable cost per unit, and total fixed cost is FC. Solving the equation for Break-even sales units Break-even Sales Units = x = FC à · ( p − v ) Since unit contribution margin (Unit CM) is equal to unit sale price (p) less unit variable cost (v) thus, Unit CM = p − v Hence, Break-even Sales Units = x = FC à · Unit CM Break-even Sales Dollars = Price per Unit Ãâ€" Break-even Sales Units ; or What is contribution margin ratio and when is it most useful? The contribution margin ratio is the measure of sales, facility returns or selling price that residues after all variable costs and variable costs have been enclosed. Contribution margin ratio= (Sales-variables) / sales Contribution margin ratio plays a key role in; †¢ Determining the profits that will rise from several sales levels †¢ Assessing the influenc e on earnings of changes in sales. In particular, it can be used to estimation the decline in profits if sales drop, and so is an standard tool in the making of budgets. How is the breakeven equation modified to take into account the sales required to earn a target profit?

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Academic Inflation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Academic Inflation - Research Paper Example The educational authorities have raised the minimum education level requirements in the educational institutions and organizations which have created a significant problem in the business world. It has been reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that the graduates completing their education lack the skills and qualifications required for filling a job as they have not been given proper training in their institutions (Lan & Winters, 2011). The cost of education has risen at an accelerating rate as compared to the increase in the financial aids that are provided by the federal agencies. According to SHEEO (2011), as people have insufficient funds available for covering the costs of college education, the number of graduates completing it has declined in the last few years. All of these factors have raised questions regarding the academic inflation that how lack of federal aids, increase in college/tuition fees, decline in wage increments and rising inflation rate are impacting the quality of college education. Academic Inflation is described as the process by which the higher education degrees’ value gets inflated; it is the point at which the minimum level of education is required when the level of employment rises. In fact, there is no real need for highly skilled or trained employees for various jobs in the firms (Odland, 2012). As a result of the academic inflation process, the bachelor’s degree value has reached a level where the graduates face difficulty in finding a suitable position in the professional world and they have to acquire degrees of much higher level such as Master’s degrees and PhDs. The primary reason for such a robust growth in the academic field for higher level degrees is an accelerating rate of competition among the peers (Singell & Stone, 2007). Along with increase in the demand of higher level degrees, the cost of acquiring them has

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Computers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Computers - Research Paper Example This further took a new dimension when the web 2.0 was introduced with offers like social networking sites, blogs, and other similar features which made it more interesting and hard to resist and avoid. The intensity of the usage and its presence in our daily life can be imagined by the fact that just a single website has as many as eighty million members on it. With time the progress made by computers was so enormous that they crept into different disciplines of life and today they are part of every mobile phone, every television set, every refrigerator and every screen that is out on the road and in the sports gymnasiums. Mid 80s: While the first twenty years were slow in progress with regard to computer’s development. The dominant force in those times was I.B.M and computers were quite large in size. The changes came in, in time when the black and white and colorless scheme was replaced by the colored screens. The command line interface (C.L.I) was replaced by Graphic User Interface (G.U.I) and it brought more interest in to it(Kumar, 51). Apple Computer Inc. (now Apple Inc) was the pioneer in this regard and introduced resulted in more interest attraction from the customers (O'Grady, 32). The next step in the overall journey was the reduction of sizes of computers. While at first the computers were not able to be handled by single user and mainframe computers were quite common which were only limited to organizational usage, they were soon replaced by the personal computers which resulted in one computer per home and one computer per room. However even this was to change and the change came in form of the monitors and display screens. The cathode ray tubes (C.R.T) were replaced by L.C.D (Liquid Crystal Displays) which... Moore rightly predicted change and increase in the number of computer electronic devices every eighteen to twenty months (Shuman, 10). Where we stand today can be the ground breaking foundation for what is to come ahead. What we consider mammoth in terms of the progress made by computers might well be the stepping stone towards more advanced technologies and with the progress so far made, it is promised to bring further revolution and change in the manner in which computers are being handled. The terabyte space which might seem large enough today might not be even sufficient to accommodate the requirements of future single hard disk drive. They have created a total new world of digital existence with lots of jobs on offer and many other activities which would not be possible otherwise. It is the true gift of 20th century that is bound to stay here for times to come.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Can we believe in objective ideals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Can we believe in objective ideals - Essay Example The Idols of the Tribe are supposed to connect one person to every other individual in the world by making a man think that everyone is inherently similar to everyone else in the universe (Bacon, 1620). While this may be true for a large portion of the time as in every person who is alive needs to breath and that every person who gets hungry needs to find food, the similarities often end quite quickly to be replaced with differences that have to be reconciled. Granted that no man is an island and certain social contracts need to be accepted by everyone if civilization is to exist but there is also a need to recognize the diversity which makes the tribe of man divide itself into the tribes of men. Even within tribes, there exist groups, religions, families and even individual differences which further serve to erode the concept of the tribe and decrease the idea of unity amongst individuals. This in turn reduces both the need and the validity of the existence of ideals in nature. In fact, Bacon laments the fact that a man’s sense is falsely confirmed by the standard of things as per his observations (Bacon, 1620). Unfortunately it must be realized that whatever we see around us may be very familiar and comforting to us in the hope that this is how life is supposed to be and this how people around us are supposed to act. For example, a person who has never experienced life outside a suburban American environment could be lulled into thinking at everyone looks and acts like them. Clearly this is a false situation and a wrongly understood objective idol. The majority of the world is not America, the majority of the world is not white, the majority does not live in suburbia and most importantly, the majority of the world is out of the tribe. This is true for people outside the tribe too, for instance a person living in a village in India could think that whatever they see around themselves is the absolute truth of how human beings should be molded and they

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Rachel's Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rachel's Utilitarianism - Essay Example As Rachel points out, the Utilitarian view inherently judges whether an action of morally good or bad by its consequences, and then, assesses these consequences solely by the amount of utility or happiness derived (Rachels 102). When accounting for happiness, no individual or entity is given precedence over the other. The â€Å"Rule Utilitarianism† theory states that the acts of individuals will be judged as morally right or wrong with reference to the rules that are developed keeping in mind the principle (Rachels 102). Therefore, the principle is used to select a set of rules which then determine whether an action is right or wrong under a given situation. This theory has been criticized as attaching more significance to â€Å"rules† than they deserve. As opposed to this, â€Å"Act Utilitarianism† states that the principle is directly used to determine whether an action is right or wrong under a given situation without first applying that principle to select a set of rules (Rachels 104). Hence, this approach is referred to as â€Å"direct† utilitarianism, whereas the former is referred to as â€Å"indirect† utilitarianism. ... The utilitarian theory (whether â€Å"rule† or â€Å"act†) has various shortcomings and has been criticized for various assumptions in recent years. The Utilitarians imply an ‘economically rational’ justification for actions, an assumption which does not correctly capture the human values and does not go beyond the traditional cost-benefit analysis. Thus, according to Utilitarians, individuals could be deprived of their right to liberty simply because the net benefit isn’t maximized. This theory simplistically assumes that all the consequences of an action (including the utility or happiness derived from it) can be measured (Rachels 102). This is not always the case. For instance, how could one assign a value to one’s life? Secondly, it deals insufficiently with rights, morals and justice (Rachels 108). As outlined in the following sections, the Utilitarian view has been heavily blamed as being the rationale behind Ford’s managers to go ahead with the faulty design of one of its cars â€Å"Pinto†, thereby ignoring the principles of justice (that deals with distribution of benefits and burdens) and rights (that deals with right to freedom and well being). The question, in this context, arises whether people should have had freedom to know what they are buying at the time they are purchasing. This case shall now be explored in depth in the light of the utilitarian argument. The case can be traced back to 1978 when several Pinto cars caught fire in accidents or collisions (Trevino and Nelson 64).The number of such incidents started becoming rampant, such that notice was taken of these incidents and a case was filed whereby the causes were investigated. Ford’s president, Lee Lacocca decided to recover the market share by designing a

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Hong Kong Fitness Essay Example for Free

Hong Kong Fitness Essay â€Å"We expect to be opening our newest center in Causeway bay which has the largest staff of any center. They will provide the greatest service and suitable advices of gym to our members, helping them get fit faster and stay fit longer. I believe that it would be the best and one of a kind gymnasium in Hong Kong,† said Joyce Ng, CEO of Hong Kong Fitness. â€Å"We are pleased to be the guests of ribbon cutting and have opportunity to visit this 1,000 square-meter gym,† said by James Lane and Betty Tang. After speech, visitors can visit the facilities and join free yoga classes. The center has dedicated areas for training and yoga classes. Visitors can also try advanced electronic fitness equipment out, such as running machine and exercise bike. The newest center provides over 18 training and yoga classes, such as jazzercise, boxing and dance classes, opening 24hours a day, 7 days a week. It is convenient to people who are busy in the daytime. Personal training, nutrition and health care planning, babysitting services are also available. About Hong Kong Fitness Established in April, 2010, Hong Kong Fitness is the most popular fitness club in Asia and presently has over 188 locations in 15 Asian cities. The mission of Hong Kong Fitness is to promote health and wellness in the community. Hong Kong Fitness not only offers a variety of health and fitness programs, but also has advanced electronic fitness equipment in order to helps its members to get fit faster and stay fit longer.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Banking Industry Because There Are Always Information Technology Essay

Banking Industry Because There Are Always Information Technology Essay Recently the Banking business has taken a rather remarkable change in the last few years. There has been a new development, and a precedent of online banking. The Banks allow customers to access everything concerning their financial records online without getting out of the convenience of their own homes. This new development does not only allow immense opportunities for banks to provide to all of its customers needs but it also allows a great chance for hackers to access a greater amount of the customers information. According to an ehow contributing writer Online transfer is a transfer of money from one bank account to another, the actual transfer is done by the bank, and neither the sender nor the receipt of the money sees or touches the actual funds. The reason a bank would want to adopt an online transfer policy would be because the banks are under increasing attack from phishing gangs who send emails to customers purporting to be from their bank, requesting account and password details. The money is then transferred to an account with the bank and typically sent abroad through a money transfer. To support this According to a writer Joe Morgan of Times online one of the biggest banks in Britain Barclays introduced a one day delay for transfers. This delay enables us to carry out checks that seek to prevent fraud. In addition to that the only reason why a bank should not adopt an online transfer delay policy should only be because we live in a global economy, we need to be able to communicate effectively with people, and also in this changing world, each and every day there are several evolutions and revolutions which are impacting the way we work, live, and do things, and also this means immediate satisfaction for many people. In the case study mentioned in the textbook of all the Banks only Barclays bank mentioned the online transfer delay. This allows them to continue to providing additional security but they forget that they have a tendency to lose feedback because several customers expect real time response when dealing with the internet. A bank may choose not to put into practice an online transfer delay, if its customers scrutinize both speed and competence a key factor. In the conference the past week with the article on Building a Collaborative Enterprise, I elaborated on Collaborative enterprises being built on people, process, and technology because it helps an organization become very effective and productive because businesses with good team work produce industrious work. The two primary lines of security defense are both people and technology because banks continue to deal with money they must offer the most highly developed security features to keep their customers finances secure. The difference between the types of security offered by the different Banks; Bank of America, Barclays bank, wells Fargo and company, and e-trade financial corporation mentioned in the case study. I currently bank with Bank of America, and would definitely encourage everyone to open an account with them because they are all over the place that makes it so much convenient and easier having to use an ATM, they have better benefits compared to other banks for example, its free for students no monthly surcharge like other Banks, and also they have a great online service, and international account program. According to our textbook Business Driven: Information system. Bank of America is implementing authentication and authorization technologies such as online computer identification. For example, their site key offers two factor authentication, the customer picks an image, writes a brief phrase as well so that whenever the customer signs in from their personal or a different computer an image and phrase are displayed indicating that the bank recognizes the computer and the customers identity. Wells Fargo company as well as implemented authentication and authorization technologies such as additional criteria, for example, implementing an out-of-wallet which consists of questions that is not found on the drivers license or ATM card. E-trade financial corporation is also implementing authentication and authorization technologies such as digital security IDs, for example, the free digital device displays a new six digit code every 60 seconds which a customer must use to log on. Lastly, Barclays bank is also implementing prevention technologies such as online transfer delays and account mentoring. Additional types of security Banks need to implement, when it comes to both authentication and authorization this entails what the user knows such as the user ID and password, something the user has such as a smart card, and also something that is part of the user such as fingerprint. Prevention and resistance such as content filtering, firewalls. Detection and response such as antivirus software, and also providing a combination of all three types is very advantageous. Three policies a bank should implement to help improve information security, the information security plans must identify and assess risks to customer information, make sure the security and confidentiality of protected information, and protect their information against unauthorized access, loss of data integrity, errors introduced into the system, unauthorized access of data and information. Describe monitoring policies; information technology monitoring is tracking peoples activities by such actions such as number of keystrokes, error rate, and number of transactions processed. An organization must continue to put together the right monitoring policies and put them into practice, the right path for an organization planning to engage in employee monitoring is open communication surrounding the issue. The organization needs to continue educating their employees on whats unacceptable behavior, and the organization will find out that the employees not only become accustomed to a policy but also reduce the burden of the organization by policing themselves.